The Contingency Plan

Monday, June 21, 2004

Let's play 'Join the Dots'

I'm scared as hell today.

Just over three years ago I stopped menstruating. I consulted a number of doctors, had some tests done and they came up with nothing but 'stress' and 'we're not too sure'. Fast forward to today and despite the fact that I started menstruating around a year ago (for around five months), this stopped just over six months ago, so I knew something was up.

I decided to go to a new doctor today (first time I've needed one since moving areas) and she thinks I have a condition called Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS). Doctors have suspected this in the past, but my body was apparently being weened off the pill at the time, which is why it may have gone unnoticed. A shit load of ovarian cysts would certainly explain my forever bloated belly!

I know the basic symptoms of PCOS, but what concerns me is that I may have had this condition for over three years and it hasn't been treated, which isn't good as if I do have it, my chances of developing diabetes, uterine cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease are three times higher than usual. But what would really upset me is my chances of having kids one day would be small.

So I'm having an ultrasound tomorrow and have taken a whole bunch of tests today - everything from a pap smear to a big ass blood sample to test for diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed...

posted by kazumi at 4:15 pm


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