The Contingency Plan

Thursday, May 05, 2005

So here we are

It’s 05.05.05 today. We’ll have to wait a day, a month and another year for this to happen again.
I’ve just realised it was my blog's first blirthday five days ago and I totally forgot. Bad me.

So much has happened over the last 12 months:

Lucas and I happily reunited after months of torment
But during our break I had a fling with a rather egotistical male
I broke up with my best friend of seven years Sophie
I received my first diamonds
I took my sister Natasha to see Justin Timberlake not knowing I was nearly five months pregnant
Found out that I’d been promoted to management and was pregnant within the same week
Discussed baby names with Luc
But found out I wasn’t just pregnant, but five months pregnant
Got revenge on Jack
Went to my first word slam
Made up with my Dad... mainly because I was pregnant
But I grew weary of all the drama
Started to question whether PR is right for me
Tried to hire a dead photographer
Had to eat copious amounts of carbs (yay!) when my doctor thought I had gestational diabetes
Helped to mind a celebrity at a televised perfume launch with thousands of teen girls while eight months pregnant
Had a week off work before giving birth to beautiful baby Hugo
Heard from Sophie
Experienced the baby blues
Despite requests from my MD, I did not return to work three weeks after Hugo was born, but agreed to attend the Christmas party
Realised we had to move and left our apartment of two years with this view for a house (no regrets)
Survived meeting Luc’s parents for the first time and have them stay with us for three weeks in our tiny apartment when Hugo was just six weeks old. Never again.
Survived a gross stomach virus while looking after a very sick Luc and our young baby
Nearly got sucked into suburbia
And then totally fell out with Dad again
But survived it all to see Hugo reach six months. Woohoo!

So that was my year!

Thanks to everyone for reading and being a part of it.
posted by kazumi at 11:16 pm


Best post yet!

I sit amazed.

And yeah, Sophie sucks. Can she comprehend the friend she is missing? Woo-woo! What a year!
You are fabulous girl!
Blogger SquirrleyMojo, at 7:09 am  
wow, that's quite a year. here's to the next one!
Blogger michelle, at 11:54 pm  
I'm happy to see you guys like the overview! It was fun to create.

As much as I try, I can't stand Sophie either. She's the only person in the world I'd happily bitch fight. Ha!

And thanks for visiting and for your comment Michelle and Disturbed! Hope to see you both around.
Blogger kazumi, at 8:27 pm  

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