The Contingency Plan

Sunday, October 10, 2004

John Howard won the election yesterday. This will mark his fourth term in office, which is quite an achievement. He apparently won by quite a majority, which surprises me as I thought it would be a closer call.

And it's here my political interests end.

I have a confession to make.

I'm not enrolled to vote.

Voting isn't an option here, but if you haven't enrolled then you kinda get away with it as you're not on the electrol lists. I think I could get into a lot of trouble, which means I've avoided the issue.

I didn't think many of my friends possess strong political beliefs, but discovered quite a few do and were mortified when I told them where I stand.

I know I could take more of an interest, but I just think it's a load of bollocks and don't trust politicians.

Part of me does feel bad. Not a very big part though...
posted by kazumi at 10:31 am


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