The Contingency Plan

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Talking about my evolution, part one

Visitors, a new car, change in career and a fallout with my Dad. This year has been a spicy mixture of excitment and sadness that makes me believe I have interesting days ahead.

I've been meaning to update this blog for a few days now, but it's been hard to find time with Lucas' parents here. They arrived on December 30 and will leave next Monday on January 17. The visit has been happy and pleasant so far, though I've found certain aspects quite challenging. Let's just say living with another dominant mother has tested my patience and made me re-evaluate my character. My tolerance of living with someone new was extrememly low, but I've bited my tongue, smiled and am quite proud of the way I've dealt with the situation. I feel as though I've grown.

Practising patience and the event of the New Year also made me realise it's been a while since I've worked on my character. Without wanting to sound like a motivational speaker, I feel like I've lost track of myself the last couple of years. I'm not happy in my career, my close friendships have fallen apart, I don't quite like who I've become (less confident, lacking in patience/tolerance and lazy) and hate how I look - so it's time to turn this around. Can anyone say, "New Years resolutions"? I haven't made personal goals in years so this felt good:

2005 List
I'm quite happy with this list as it feels rather comprehensive, though I'm sure I'll add to it as the year progresses. And now that it's published I feel accountable, which is good. I'm also excited about taking a course and volunteering as it's different to what I've done for the past three years. Creating this list has given me hope and direction for the year.

Anyhow, I had a big argument with Dad this morning and now Lucas' parents aren't happy and want to talk about it so I have to go... I hope I report back with a positive result and shall write more about my new employment opportunity, our new car and my fallout with Dad...
posted by kazumi at 11:06 pm


I think your 2005 list was asking a bit much of youself. I think you accomplished the most important thing- establishing a good routine for you and Hugo. The dance lessons, words to learn and books to read will always be there, but you only have one chance with your little guy at that age. I'll post my 2006 resolutions, so look for that!

If you're off to a slow start, remember you can always start anew on Chinese New Year ;)
Blogger junebee, at 1:21 pm  

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