The Contingency Plan

Friday, March 04, 2005

In the still

He was unsettled so we ventured into the illuminated night. The stunning scene had a strong sense of calm, emphasised by the soft sound of the sea. Our surrounding sky was cool and clammy but provided a refreshing break from the confines of our apartment.

The occassional black bat flew past and at first Hugo was excited by the lights of Luna Park, the grandness of the bridge and the shadows of the Opera House but then he relaxed. I changed his upright position to snuggle him to my breast, sang muted melodies and within moments his handsome eyes closed. Mission successful.

And besides being beautiful, the experiences was also sad as Lucas and I have decided to move. We've found a house without any stairs or communal walls and it even has a garage, unlike our current place. These streets are clogged with cars and we've spent many a tired time circling the block until something came up.

But this place is so picturesque. The small suburb of McMahons Point is like a village filled with intimate restaurants and cafes, the salt of its surrounding waters and the knowledge that even though the city is just there, a small body of water blocks its traffic, noise and bustle.

It's my perfect location.

But now I'm moving and have to remind myself that sacrifices must be made. We're simply running out of space. We're stacked ontop of each other, things can't have their place, the steep stairs are just too hard (there are nine sets of them) and yes, they prevent me from going out. And that is driving me mad.

So I plan on spending every possible moment by the water with Hugo, enjoying this delicious hideaway Luc and I have shared for two years before we enter the unknown that is suburbia.
posted by kazumi at 11:37 pm


must suburbia be the only solution?
Blogger SquirrleyMojo, at 2:42 pm  
Thanks Dayna, I really enjoy your blog too :)
We've looked all over Sydney and this seems to be our best available solution. The actual house is gorgeous, but the location seems suburban as we've been living downtown for four years now. I'm sure/hoping it won't be that bad - just has a different feel and means the city is 20 mins away instead of five.
Blogger kazumi, at 6:24 pm  

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