The Contingency Plan

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Today Hugo, Lucas and I went to the wedding of Penelope's mother. It was the first time we've been out to a formal-ish event together and I think we scrubbed up pretty damn well!
posted by kazumi at 8:16 pm


Your son looks a bit like our Branch, who is one month younger than Hugo.
Blogger junebee, at 11:15 am  
Oh cute! Hugo's really tired in these photos. So how old is Blossom?
Blogger kazumi, at 12:39 pm  
When I first looked at this photo I thought Lucas was Jude Law. That is all.
Blogger Bente, at 5:04 pm  
Branch and Blossom will be 6 months on Friday. They are twins :)
Blogger junebee, at 12:42 am  
WOW. They aren't too far off Hugo. I have a tremendous amount of respect for parents of twins! Sometimes I have it hard enough with just one. And congratulations on reaching the six month mark!
Blogger kazumi, at 4:34 pm  
ps. Bente I told Luc about your comment and he didn't take it gracefully. Let's just say the man shamelessly lacks humility so that's the last time I pass anything like that on!
Blogger kazumi, at 4:37 pm  

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