The Contingency Plan

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Wow. I had no idea how negative my thoughts had become! I've spent the last two day searching for stories about love to share and it's remarkably improved my disposition.

I thought about the letters Lucas and I wrote to each other before we met

And how I adore every little tiny cell of Hugo's being

I thought of how Natasha chooses to love and support my father, knowing in full the kind of person he is

And how Mum still cries whenever she speaks of him, even though he so badly mistreated her

I thought of how Dylan once bottled a tear for Sophie when he fell for her... and how thankful I was he never did that for me

And how Scott still pays the household bills for his alcoholic father and depressed mother even though he hasn't lived there for over a year

I thought of how my old MD decided not to have children as she's too besotted with her nine to five

And how for years Drew refused the big bucks of corporate land as she wanted to help the less fortunate young people around her

I thought of how Anna happily ate and put on weight with me during my pregnant months

And how Sarah left the church we grew up in to be with Camille

And then there's the sacrifices my parents made

And the many I know we will too

...the thoughts keep coming.
posted by kazumi at 11:27 pm


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