Monday, September 05, 2005
I've always avoided mother's groups because of the reasons below... wonder if the blokes would accept a stray sheila..
Fathers' day takes on a new meaning
Sydney Morning Herald
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Family time … Christopher Rodrigues spends more time with Hannah, left, and Joshua, than most fathers do with their children.
Photo: Robert Pearce
Christopher Rodrigues gave mothers' group a try, but the competition was so stiff it scared him off. The support of the sisterhood soon gave way to unconcealed rivalry where babies' achievements were concerned.
"It was, 'They've started talking', or 'My child's first tooth has come through'," said Mr Rodrigues, father of Hannah, 2, and eight-month-old Joshua.
These days, he attends a weekly dads-only playgroup, where the pace is gentler and the participants much more laconic.
The Chatswood group - aimed at the growing population of fathers who are principal carers for their babies or toddlers - has a serious purpose. Child and family health nurse Alison Leray-Meyer set up the group to give the fathers information and reassurance about feeding and dealing with tantrums, as well as extending their social contacts.
"It is a parenting initiative," she said. "There's a lot of information available about child health and nutrition, but it's delivered in a more activity-based, playful way."