The Contingency Plan

Monday, February 27, 2006


It's silent and hot with the invasive heat only momentarily relieved by the hum of a white fan. I've been sitting here with my eyes closed, focused on my breathing... "breathe in air, breathe out frustration". Frustration oftens sits beside me, nothing satisfies and the heat weighs upon me, numbing my actions. I mean to do so much but often blob here on the couch, consistently thirsty. Energy is consistently sucked from my being. The house feels cluttered. Luc is telling me about his business. He's excited, explaining concepts, I nod and keep writing, only barely grasping the basics. Hugo is asleep and Rachael is out so it's just the two of us making brunch, eating, devising plans and cursing the flies. I don't know where most of our friends have gone. We're all too busy, too tired, too overwhelmed. Weekends were recently packed with laughter and conversation but are now reserved for proper sleep, eating and rest before another five day onslaught. Luc and I talk about doing things but end up still sitting here. He's whistling and I'm feeling guilty. We argue about small, stupid things like whether to throw out a heater and what to do about the humidity. We agree on a mutual hate of flies, especially the ones that fly around together, fucking.
posted by kazumi at 9:59 am


Wow, when is your summer over?
Blogger junebee, at 6:18 am  
This is for the picture of Hugo. It wouldn't let me comment.

You and I have the cutest "branches" in the ENTIRE BLOGOSPHERE!!!!!!
Blogger junebee, at 6:20 am  
Summer should nearly be over, which is bittersweet.

I have to agree with you on the "branches"! :)
Blogger kazumi, at 9:17 am  

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