The Contingency Plan

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


This Friday the last two people I worked with at my old agency are leaving to go travelling. After this I will know no one on the team.

The guy who was hired to take my place has been promoted to Account Director as he's the most senior person left (and I hear very good at what he does), something I'd probably be if I were still there working in a full time capacity. Sure I don't regret anything, but I would be on a $110k+ salary, have my own team and be at the top of my game.

Again, not complaining or feeling regret, just wondering.............
posted by kazumi at 12:50 pm


I always wonder what's happening at my old job too, but since the answer is probably "not much" I don't have much to contemplate!
Blogger junebee, at 1:43 pm  
Yeah I understand. I'm glad to be where I'm at. Although I love my old boss, I'd much rather be with our baby than in the politics of that old office!
Blogger kazumi, at 5:35 pm  

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