The Contingency Plan

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Although the issue is no laughing matter, we chuckled and shook our heads when we read this in some of the international coverage:

"Keep your kids away from flooded drains, be aware of snakes and crocodiles. Those guys will have had a bad night, too." (BBC)

It's Australia so I guess you can't forget about the snakes and crocs....
posted by kazumi at 10:14 am


So stupid when people need to be told the obvious. Dumbasses.
Blogger junebee, at 1:21 pm  
hm. the article felt like something the bloody crocodile hunter had concocted at that point.

there hasn't been a single local article that's mentioned snakes and crocodiles!
Blogger kazumi, at 6:18 pm  

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