The Contingency Plan

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Wind-Up Review

Book Club was a lot of fun last night. I really enjoyed seeing everyone and felt the time flew by so quickly. And although we finished quite late (11pm), I left feeling happy and energised.

There was a mixed reaction to Marakami's "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle". I loved it, so did Jamie and a few others, but Jack and Jeremy thought it was shit. In fact, out of our five star system, Jack didn't even give it a single star. First time in over two years.

Nevertheless, I find Marakami's writing style calming and relaxing, with the exception of the Manchurian torture scene (that story was ironically the only part of the book Jack appreciated). Beisdes this I was totally engaged. His words are clear, simple and beautiful and although the characters undergo quite powerful experiences, he didn't dramatise anything. I really appreciate that.

I also like how his main characters, usually mature Japanese men, are so unlike what you'd expect. They're lazy, whimsical and apathetic.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the book and if you've read it, would love to hear your feedback on it too.
posted by kazumi at 11:03 am


I'll look for it on my library's website.
Blogger junebee, at 12:28 pm  
I enjoyed it and like you, hated the torture part, couldn't even read it. I find the part where he's with the mother and son a bit slow and the end a bit too quick but overall a quiet enjoyable book. The thing I liked in this book is the fact that you could even picture very well the scenes and what's happening. I even went to the library to get another book from himm unfortunatly I forgot the name (about a finding a sheep).
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:41 pm  
I agree on the torture parts. I also over looked most of those bits.

I'm glad you liked the book though. One of the women at the last book club meeting said Murikami's books seem to follow a certain formula (she's read a few of them). I found that to be true of the two I've read but am curious to see if you'll find the same.
Blogger kazumi, at 8:52 am  
I found the name of the second book I read from Murakami, it is called "Wild sheep chase". I agree with this woman from your book club, he indeed, seems to follow a certain formula. The book is centered on a man helped by one or several women to resolve his quest. In the two books, the man is clueless of what's going on whereas the women-girls seem to know everything. Just for fun, I tried to find some common things in both books:
- the cat,
- the shoes the man wore,
- the Manchurian war.
- A powerfull man who kind of control everything.

He even talk about the same thing in both book when describing what the Japenese soldiers will need to wear in Mongolia (woolen boots).
There's also a fair bit of "supernatural" in all his book.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:34 pm  

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