The Contingency Plan

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Latest News Headlines
Turkey slapping, Pricasso the penis painter, bitter lesbian affairs and a drunken Mel Gibson... these are the most viewed articles today on the Sydney Morning Herald website...

Can somebody please trade him some new clothes?
I understand it's impressive how he ultimately bartered a paper clip for a house, but I don't get why he must wear the same bloody top in every single photo. Why??

More than just a blow up doll
Yes, it's a new kind of 'air bag' - girls, would you seriously use one? Would you find yourself giving it a name, talking to it in the car? Could you be bothered to blow it up and deflate it everyday?

Step away from the blonde
Can someone please start advising Australian female "celebrities" against peroxide?? Phu-lease??
posted by kazumi at 8:57 am


A guy to blow up and deflate every day? That's even more trouble than a real one!
Blogger junebee, at 11:20 am  
Yeah, I don't understand the shirt thing, either. Maybe he's trying to brand himself to look more recognizable and get more attention... the paper clip idea is quite fascinating though. Requires a bit too much patience for me.

Blow-up air doll? No. Definitely not!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:27 pm  

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