The Contingency Plan

Friday, September 08, 2006


Two legendary Australians died this week (Steve Irwin and Peter Brock) and I've been overwhelmed by the media attention these deaths have received.

Within hours, articles, footage from the site, videos, photos, blogs, career highlights and tribute messages had been posted online.

I know the media isn't renown for its tact, it just seems a little too much. Surely time to digest the news should be waranted.
posted by kazumi at 6:36 pm


I saw the article about Peter Brock on SMH. Is he as famous in the U.S. as Steve Irwin?
Blogger junebee, at 6:57 am  
No, I don't think he's generally as famous. Peter Brock was legendary on the Australian motor sports scene, in particular, v8 racing.
Blogger kazumi, at 10:11 am  
Very sad news about Brockie but I was a bit surprised about him having a state funeral. Not that I am saying anyone is more deserving of it but it's a bit over-the-top. I was really upset about Steve Irwin. Love him or hate him, he was a very passionate Australian.
Blogger Eggs Akimbo, at 7:58 am  

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