The Contingency Plan

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sorry it's been so long.
I've been meaning to write.
But then where do I start?
The blogging world seems to be dying off. Lots of my favourite bloggers have stopped writing and I guess I've missed the interactivity of this all. Starting again, finding new blogs to read, can be too hard.
I'm organising a major event tomorrow night and Chloe has just fallen very ill. I should be heading to bed but am a little scared.
posted by kazumi at 11:50 pm


Oh, but I want to hear about Hugo's second birthday! Don't stop now!

I feel the same way. I just can't think of anything to post anymore. Like anyone would be too interested in MY boring life!
Blogger junebee, at 4:34 am  
I've been slack with the posting too. I've been really busy with the girls who are both in very demanding stages and only feel like reading when I get a chance to hop on the 'puter. I'm not stressing about it though. I'll get back into eventually and I hope you do too. :) I'd rather only be able to read you once in a blue moon then not at all!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:10 pm  
Oh yeah! Good luck with the event!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11 pm  
It's great to hear from you! I miss the blogging scene, too, but I'm too lazy and boring to write anything. And I'm a bad, bad commenter. In any case, glad you're posting, and hope to see you write more.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:03 am  
hope your event went well!!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:03 am  
Oh, it's so nice to hear from you guys.

It seems we're all in the same boat...
Blogger kazumi, at 3:17 pm  
Kazumi; keep blogging, I check in regularly to see how you are doing! Hope Chloe is better.

Blogger halfmanhalfbeer, at 6:18 pm  
I think the blogging stuff goes in waves. I am finding it hard to get consistency with it at the moment.
Blogger Eggs Akimbo, at 9:44 am  
I've been bloggin on the inside . . .

who's Chloe?
Blogger SquirrleyMojo, at 2:06 pm  
Thanks HMHB, I'm a real sucker for this blogging thing, even if, like Em, the frequency of my writing varies...

And SQ (so nice to see you here again!), Chloe's my business partner.
Blogger kazumi, at 4:55 pm  

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