The Contingency Plan

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

1. True or false:
I've spent $801.25 on ebay this month

2. Number of times I've exercised since creating my rather ambitious goal of loosing 1kg/week (yes, 20kgs in around five months):
2, 23, 50 or yeah right

3. Number of kilograms I've actually lost:
2, 6, 9 or don't look

4. True of false:
Current care factor regarding my weight is 0 (due to a great fake tan I found, because let's face it, tanned people look less fat)

5. Number of times Lucas asked me whether I'm buying MY OWN engagement ring prior to visiting a jeweller to get another ring re-set:
1, 3, 5, fuck off already!

6. Levels of self-pity I subsequently felt (seriously, how pathetic does he think I am!):
Low, Medium, Rocky Road Ice Cream

7. Number of Charlie and Lola shows I've made Hugo watch so I can write this:
1, 5 or very bad mother
posted by kazumi at 10:02 am


1. False...I bet you've spent more :)

2. 23

3. 6

4. false

5. 1...Does this mean you guys are engaged or just talking about it?

6. I'm thinking the ice cream because really that's a pretty shitty question to ask, but I hope you let him have it and were able to get past it. ;)

7. 1, but I don't know that show and therefore don't know how long an episode runs.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:30 pm  
I don't know, but once I saw 'Rocky Road Ice Cream', I couldn't concentrate anymore!
Blogger angela marie, at 12:40 am  
Mmmmmmm... rocky road ice cream.....
Blogger kazumi, at 10:38 pm  

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