The Contingency Plan

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Today feels like a new day and there are so many reasons why.

* During an argument last night (and influenced by hangover-induced haze), I told Luc that I've known about his affairs. He's been surprisingly, really damn nice to me ever since.

* I negotiated details for my start at the Agency early last week and begin full time on 1 November, 2007. I have a great package and have negotiated a pay review in January :)

* Chloe and I had dinner on Thursday night and discussed details of putting our company on hold while she focuses on her babies and I pursue consistent money.

* Mum and I started discussions last week regarding the purchase of an apartment. I want her to give me the money she was going to give Luc and I so I can buy an apartment and get out of this renting rut.

* My weight loss is coming along nicely. I'm taking a simple approach - exercising lots, drinking lots of water and eating well and am determined to reach my ideal weight by summer, which is very possible.

* I'm getting excited by the notion of a great relationship with someone new. I was absolutely disheartened as I'm in a weird place where all the men my age are career and party focused, sans children and intimidated by my life (even though I have no intention of introducing anyone to Hugo). I know it'll be years since I'm in a relationship again and despite my lonliness, I'm starting to be ok with it. It feels like a natural progression.

* And on that note, I've really scaled back on my relationship with the lawyer. No more daily conversations or calls before bedtime, no more late night internet chats and I'm calling my girlfriends when I need a supportive chat. To subtly test his feelings, I made mention last week of a cute guy I met out last weekend and slightly exaggerated the extent of things, saying that he bought me drinks all night (true), that we had great conversation (true) , that he was very attractive and well dressed (true) and that we swapped numbers at the end of the night (not true). His reaction was interesting, consistently bringing him up in our conversation and suggesting we call him to join us for dinner during the week (but not in a good way). Funnily enough we haven't spoken as intensively since.

Anyway, Sunday afternoon is quickly approaching and I have a long list of things to do - everything from laundry and cleaning to dance classes and work.... I'm still juggling two very intense jobs and am naturally scared of the week ahead.
posted by kazumi at 11:50 am


I'm so happy that all of your summary posts are getting more and more positive each time. You've been through a lot these last few months and it's good to see things turning in the right direction for you. I hope your week goes smoothly!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:25 am  
with all that you have going on and how well you've managed to move forward on so many fronts, i think you should be wonderwoman for halloween!
Blogger chanchow, at 10:15 am  
i miss you and love you cuzzy-kazu.

Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:59 pm  
Congratulations on the weight loss! I just reached a weight-loss goal myself. :) Keep up the good work!

Hope you can get an apartment, all I read about on SMH is how expensive housing is there.
Blogger junebee, at 2:47 am  
Thanks everyone! I am feeling much better these days, thank God :)
Blogger kazumi, at 9:00 pm  

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