The Contingency Plan

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Eating for two.. or three...

I'm disappointed. I have a resolution of loosing a lot of weight this year, but have done very little, ok nothing, to move towards this goal. I haven't even left the couch.

I'm such an emotional eater. Extremes find me easily here. I was anorexic for years when I was a teen (who wasn't!) and as soon as I hit my early 20s, I snagged a great boy, felt confident and comfortable for the first time and ate to make up for all of those missed meals.

But I can't use this past behaviour as an excuse anymore. I know better. I'm being lazy. So I've spent the last hour or so creating an eating plan that contains lots of good, healthy foods for breastfeeding mothers. Baby steps, baby steps.

I really hope it will inspire me to change.
posted by kazumi at 2:41 am


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