Friday, March 04, 2005
Ten things I have done that you probably haven't
It's going around. This isn't the only bug I've caught lately...
Called New York to try and hire a prominent fashion photographer who has been dead for two years Discovered I was pregnant when there was only three months to go Gave my autograph to two people who had separately mistaken me for an Australian C/D grade celebrity... while I was nine months pregnant Accompanied my mother while she searched for a central yet discreet location for her next 'massage parlour' Hung out with Massive Attack after one of their Sydney concerts to see them fanatically watching a soccer game Blew a six figure amount of investor money on my flash in the pan idea Managed to get hired again by the same investors for another job a month later Shaved my head. Twice Had a touching conversation with Christopher and Dana Reeves during their visit to Sydney a couple of years ago Fell in love with someone over the Internet... or does everyone do that these days?
posted by kazumi at 12:51 am
I'm sure there are plenty of people who've done what I have so I just tried thinking of things that people have most likely not have done, does that make sense? I'd love to read your list though, when you do think of it... :)
Haha, that's hilarious. Thanks for the reply.